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Dentistry \Dr. Tooth\ is rated 4.7 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Dentistry \Dr. Tooth\.
Our doctor Aleksandr is the professional! Kind, positive and attentive))) Thanks a lot
One of the best dentistry in Kyiv. Highly recommend. Competent and friendly staff, new technology, clean and comfortable. Thanks to Tatyana Nikolaevna and Ruslan Aleksandrovich for the great done work.
Superb dentistry, the kindest clerical/support staff, great attitude to a patient. The dentist I would definitely recommend is Alexander Kats. He is an outstanding one. Go for him with no hesitation should you need to get a treatment fast and professional.
I hate going to the dentist, but this was one of my best cleanings ever. Quiet, clean facilities, courteous and competent staff, new technology. I don't speak much Russian and they don't speak much English but they were patient and made the experience enjoyable.
I was very happy with their placement of implant and bone graft. Other dentists in kiev did bad job, dr zub fixed problem
very professional staff exactly dr. Sarkisyan Georgiy and tania .
(Translated by Google) Great clinic! I was at the reception of the dentist-therapist Aliya Khozina: a very attentive and accurate doctor, the treatment was as comfortable as possible. I would also like to thank the orthodontist Valentina Pavlovna for professional advice and a detailed explanation of all the upcoming treatment steps in an understandable and accessible form. Thanks you! (Original) Отличная клиника! Была на приеме у стоматолога-терапевта Алии Хозиной: очень внимательный и аккуратный врач, лечение прошло максимально комфортно. Также хотелось бы поблагодарить стоматолога-ортодонта Валентину Павловну за профессиональную консультацию и детальное объяснение всех предстоящих шагов лечения в понятной и доступной форме. Спасибо Вам!
(Translated by Google) They had different experience with different dental clinics, but \Doctor Tooth\ is a clinic of high-class specialists in their field, and which is equipped with advanced equipment. With the clinic \Doctor Tooth\ we have excellent experience and therapeutic treatment, complex surgery and implantation! We would like to thank Dr. Khozina Aliya Shamilivna, and special thanks to surgeon Tkachenko Ruslan Oleksandrovych - with whom a lot of diverse, high-quality and painless work will be performed) \Doctor Tooth\ is a dental clinic for our whole family, which we can recommend to everyone without any reservations) (Original) Мали різний досвід з різними стоматологічними клініками, але «Доктор зуб» - клініка висококласних спеціалістів своєї справи, та яка забезпечена передовим обладнанням. З клінікою «Доктор зуб» маємо чудовий досвід і терапевтичного лікування, складного хірургічного втручання і імплантування! Хочемо подякувати лікарю Хозіній Алії Шамілівні, та особлива подяка хірургу Ткаченко Руслану Олександровичу - з яким будо проведено багато різнопланової, високоякісної і безболісної роботи) «Доктор зуб» - це стоматологічна клініка для всієї нашої сім’ї, яку без будь-яких застережень можемо рекомендувати усім)
Dentistry \Dr. Tooth\
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